
Emilylowes: There are several ways

There are several ways

10 Febr 2023 in 04:56am
There are several ways to gain Harmony Shards in Lost Ark, but some are faster than Lost Ark Gold others. With so many levels to gain, so much gear to improve, and so many other things to do, it's important to know the best ways that this vital resource can be gained, giving the player time to focus on other things. Here are the best ways to gain Harmony Shards in Lost Ark.

The completion of Island Quests is one of the simplest and most reliable ways in Lost Ark to increase one's stock of Harmony Shards. There are a variety of paths one could take, but not all are ideal. Note that the Islands only unlock at Gear Level 250, and that once the player begins working on Island quests, it's important not to accept any quest that requires them to leave the Islands.

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The Island quests should be completed in the following order for optimal results: Serenity Isle, Toto Silver Island, Freedom Isle, Blackfang's Den, Lullaby Island, Astella, Starlight Isle, Panda Island, Peyto Island, Dreamgull Island, Golden Wave Island, White Wave Island, Kalthertz, and Shadow Island. By running the Islands in this order, the player will be snatching up Harmony Shards and improving their Lost Ark gear in no time.

Chaos Dungeons And Bloodstone Exchange
Lost Ark players can complete Chaos Dungeons twice a day for sizable daily rewards, but there's nothing stopping some from continuing to grind Chaos Dungeons by themselves or as part of a party after that to get Disorder Crystals and Perception Shards. The player can exchange Perception Shards for Harmony Shards on a weekly basis cheap Lost Ark Gold, offering an alternative method for acquiring that resource.

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