
Emilylowes: Lost Ark has a major update planned

Lost Ark has a major update planned

13 Febr 2023 in 04:12am
Lost Ark has been dealing with bots from the beginning Lost Ark Gold, and it's an extremely difficult challenge to overcome for a free game with this much popularity. It's a delicate balancing act trying to implement measures that hurt bots without hurting innocent players, and it also takes considerable effort to implement systems such as two-factor authentication or Captcha. The varying privacy laws in each territory the game operates within also make it difficult to authenticate each player's identity. For now, the game's developers have their work cut out for them as they focus on improving the game's Easy Anti-Cheat implementation and its own native countermeasures.

Although Lost Ark has had major content updates, it's just as important to work on the aspects of the game that affect the community. Bots are a general annoyance to players and can also severely cripple the delicate economies of multiplayer games by causing massive inflation and flooding the market with currency earned through botting. Lost Ark clearly has a long road ahead as it strives to rid itself of this problem.

Lost Ark has just revealed many of the features coming to the May update including a new class, new raids, and new guild activities.

Lost Ark has a major update planned for the month of May aiming to introduce many new features and activities. Fans of buy Gold Lost Ark can look forward to the new Destroyer advanced class, a new Legion Raid, numerous quality of life changes, and plenty of other additions and changes.


  • 15 Febr 2023 in 01:04pm
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