
Weismart: Now, this is how they try and bend us over the weekend

Now, this is how they try and bend us over the weekend

7 Mai 2021 in 04:29am
Who'd have thought we would close Friday with Animal Crossing Bells a volume less than 1/4 of last week's? (for us monke, this means everyone is ???? ) .

Who would have thought we would get the stock over 320$ when they manipulated by colluding, restricting our purchasing power unnaturally and laddering the cost down to 170$ the day before?

Every single day we ???? , they shed. They shed BIG, so large their spouse's boyfriends have kicked them out and sold their lambos. A 70 BILLION loss.

Now, this is how they try and bend us over the weekend.

They've already dropped, what do they've left? We know all of buy Animal Crossing Items the #censored# they tried already, so what's going to happen today? They're doubling down dilluting this particular community.

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