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Disclaimer: I am not purchasing GME in any hopes of gain
Weismart: Disclaimer: I am not purchasing GME in any hopes of gain
Disclaimer: I am not purchasing GME in any hopes of gain
4 Mai 2021 in 04:53am
Other manner too. I own the countries tiniest hedge fund and Animal Crossing Bells I joined over the weekend to get the motion and monday my dumb ass will probably be buying gamestop market fucking open since Ive been fucked by citadel so hard before my asshole bled out.
Ironically I'm long other stocks previously mentioned with this sub
for each and every person they try to dilute it theres a few idiotic up and cummer like me rallying to yalls defense.
I utilize etrade (this part edited out at it was factually incorrect, etrade did restrict gme and amc along with my platinum asshole lied)
Disclaimer: I am not purchasing GME in any hopes of gain, I simply hate citadel.
That I can only tell you what I did. Approximately 3 days ago right after RH gave this message they were no longer selling'certain stocks', I left an account with Nook Miles Ticket For Sale Fidelity (took less than 5 mins to setup acc + connection bank).
Ironically I'm long other stocks previously mentioned with this sub
for each and every person they try to dilute it theres a few idiotic up and cummer like me rallying to yalls defense.
I utilize etrade (this part edited out at it was factually incorrect, etrade did restrict gme and amc along with my platinum asshole lied)
Disclaimer: I am not purchasing GME in any hopes of gain, I simply hate citadel.
That I can only tell you what I did. Approximately 3 days ago right after RH gave this message they were no longer selling'certain stocks', I left an account with Nook Miles Ticket For Sale Fidelity (took less than 5 mins to setup acc + connection bank).
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