
Weismart: I had been bored with that after a couple of months

I had been bored with that after a couple of months

11 Mai 2021 in 11:20am
The MyPLAYER Builder has gotten boring. I say this since I have build all of NBA 2K21 MT the build I can think of and performed with them to some sensible level. The VC grind is just so dang long and not even worthwhile. I've played 5 seasons with a single character to get to 80-88 OVR. This is due to having spent VC on clothing items which boost my VC acquistion from a sponsor. The MyLEAGUE mode has gotten boring. I played with 10 or so seasons with my established team, the Redmond Coyotes, and we had been the champs about 6 of 10 times.

I was sitting there bored out of my mind reading through chart after chart, stat sheet following stat sheet.making conclusions I want I gave to somebody else.it was boooring!

MyTEAM? Don't get me fricking started! I had been bored with that after a couple of months! When they inserted that the Kobe card, I thought, why not re this guy's legacy right? WRONG!! I got the cardplayed a game or 2, then looked at the needs to level him up, and then immediately said screw this and quit. Plus.I did not have PS+ this time around so I didn't bother trying to play against other men and Buy 2K21 MT women. KTV is really cheesy and boring and what's worse? Unskippable! I get it 2K! You have relations with all the NBA!

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