
Yucca195: Vote Richard Sherman on the Madden 15 cover

Vote Richard Sherman on the Madden 15 cover

14 Marz 2019 in 02:21am
Who on here deserves it more? Maybe Jamaal Charles if you are on the Chiefs? Well, that didn't get Steven Jackson any cover appearances with the decade he toiled away for the Madden Overdrive Coins Rams. And for context, I am a Rams fan advising one to vote for Seahawk cornerback Richard Sherman.

Not that all of this matters. Just more Madden 15 marketing. I just support Sherman after he was unfairly lambasted by old guard (racist) sports writers.

Sandra Moore, director of GMC Advertising and Sales Promotions, said, “Our new Madden integration permits us to show that we’re a technologically savvy brand also.” Finger about the pulse, Detroit.At www.mmoah.com/madden-mobile

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