
Yucca195: EA is doubling upon eSports, starting the other day with Madden

EA is doubling upon eSports, starting the other day with Madden

13 Marz 2019 in 02:17am
Today at their EA Play event, the publisher announced they are essentially going all out from the eSports arena, starting this very weekend that has a Madden 16 tournament. They've announced three new events -- on the "challenge, premiere, and EA Major" flavors.

Challenger events could have more grassroots feel, making it easier for people to Buy Madden Overdrive Coins host tournaments. Premiere will handle larger scale tournies, and EA Majors will probably be set with a global stage with big prizes involved. Next year, the Madden 17 tournament provides up to tens of thousands of dollars in prize money.

Uh, cool I guess? I mean, almost any publisher will need some sort of concession with the Madden Mobile Coins growing eSports monster, so starting here using a multi-pronged approach doesn't appear to be a bad idea.

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