
MeadeDorian: Diablo 4's Greatest Strength May Be Overlooked

Diablo 4's Greatest Strength May Be Overlooked

20 Jun 2023 in 09:56am
It'd be really frustrating to keep getting the wrong drops when looking for something specific Diablo 2 Resurrected Items. On top of that, hopefully, Sets won't be harder to complete just because they're not as important anymore. Sets are surely still going to be compelling gateways to unique playstyles that some players will want to enjoy.

At the same time, it would be a bit of a shame if Blizzard erred too much in the other direction. Diablo 4 would probably turn out woefully easy if powerful items are really easy to find. Thankfully, with three Diablo games and a major loot overhaul under its belt, Blizzard hopefully has all the necessary tools for making the system just right. With all these possible customization options, it's exciting to imagine what Diablo 4 could be is the developers are able to deliver on their promises.

A Strong Philosophy
As always, players would be wise to pay attention to anything else the Diablo team has to say about drops in the next game. While doing so, though, players also have a decent reason to be optimistic. The reason for that optimism stems from the Destiny story. It's one thing for a team of developers to respond to the community's dissatisfaction by fixing the errors to the best of their ability.

It's another to go to a studio developing a similar game and actively advise them to orient the game and specifically the drop rates toward fun and not toward chance. Based on that story buy D2R ladder items, there seems to be a lot of care being put into this aspect of the Diablo games from here on out.

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