
MeadeDorian: Runecrafting is a f2p (free play) expertise in RuneScape

Runecrafting is a f2p (free play) expertise in RuneScape

15 Apr 2022 in 04:45am
With Malcolm himself transparent about his ideas when he was interviewed RS Gold, word soon got to Jagex that an avid fan was developing a game based on the company's own MMO. Staff members reported it to management, with head of the product department Chris Pfeiffer telling us his team was impressed by "how many things had been accomplished and how well it aligned to RuneScape."

"The concept for Melvor Idle is in line with our fundamental values about what makes an active game this was therefore a natural fit for us," he says. "Furthermore the concept of offering someone in our community the chance to be a part of this has been very exciting for everyone involved in the business."

Pfieffer and his colleagues Pfieffer and his colleagues tried Melvor Idle for themselves and loved it enough that they reached out to Malcolm and discussed the potential of working in partnership the latter part of 2021.

"From just our initial conversations we were able to learn that Brendan has a similar vision to Jagex's of community-driven games and has done an excellent job of fostering a healthy and vibrant community in the area of Melvor Idle. It's very rare to see this kind of natural match when looking to publish opportunities but Brendan along with Melvor Idle are exactly that, so we embraced the opportunity to support both him and the game in full.

He says: "We like to say that when RuneScape can be described as the MMO that can be enjoyed while watching TV, Melvor is the idle game you can play as you play RuneScape. Melvor Idle takes RuneScape's core gameplay mechanics, and breaks them down into bite-sized moments which can be enjoyed even when time is limited osrs cheap gold for sale, so RuneScape game players can feel right at home in Melvor.

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