
MeadeDorian: Lost Ark Video Showcases the MMO's Endgame

Lost Ark Video Showcases the MMO's Endgame

9 Apr 2022 in 04:18am
Upon completing the "A Verdant Country" quest in your stronghold You'll be able to unlock a portal which will lead you to a resource farm aboard your stronghold Lost Ark Boosting. The island will yield resources for trade to collect each day, but there's a caveat: you cannot trade or sell items you've earned from this farm.

It is only possible to use them to make crafts. This island also provides exclusive resources for making chest bundles that you can make in your workshop. Items made using these materials can exchanged with fellow players.

When you reach level 50, and complete the completion of the quest "Ealyn's request" within north Vern unlocks Chaos Dungeons and, by extension special missions for your station. Special missions are similar to traditional station missions. They also provide endgame loot that replaces an ordinary endgame game.

For instance for example, a Chaos Dungeon special mission will provide Chaos Dungeon loot when completed along with standard station missions. Mission rewards. These are counted towards your daily endgame limits (Chaos Dungeon resonance Soul extractions from Guardian Raid and so on).

This feature is available on the KR version of Lost Ark and might not be available in the version for the EU/NA version Buy Lost Ark Gold. This article will be updated once we've more details on this particular mechanic.

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