
abbott3serr: The Additive Manufacturing Trend Report for 2021 is available for download on the company's website

The Additive Manufacturing Trend Report for 2021 is available for download on the company's website

24 Jan 2022 in 04:10am
The city of Amsterdam is located in the Netherlands. A new report from 3D Hubs estimates that the additive manufacturing market will grow by 21% in 2020, reaching $12.6 billion. The market is expected to grow by 17% annually over the next three years, reaching $12.6 billion in 2020.According to the report, further evidence of market growth was discovered at the organizational level, with 65 percent of engineering businesses increasing their 3D printing usage in 2020 when compared to the previous year. Even the majority of engineering businesses (73 anticipate that their 3D printing usage will increase this year, indicating that the trend will continue into 2021.Some of the most significant findings include the following:In the next five years, according to forecasts, the additive Prototype Manufacturing market will more than double its current size, reaching a total value of $37.2 billion in 2026.Additive 3D printing parts adoption increased in 2020 as a result of limited access to traditional Plastic 3D Printing technologies. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 65 percent of engineering businesses increased their use of 3D printing over the previous year.Additive 3d printing is becoming increasingly popular for the production of functional end-use parts, and this trend is expected to continue in the future. Using 3D printing for functional end-use parts will increase by 54 percent in 2020, and 30 percent will keep using 3D printing for functional end-use parts this year, demonstrating that 3D printing is no longer just a rapid prototyping technology.In the way of widespread adoption of 3D printing, there are still stumbling blocks to overcome. Engineering businesses report that the cost of 3D printing and the quality of parts produced are the two most significant barriers to expanding their use of the technology, according to a recent survey.This sense of optimism about the future of 3D printing is not limited to the year 2020, as some have suggested. According to a survey conducted by Stratasys, engineering businesses expect to produce or source more 3D printed parts in 2021 than they did in the previous year.

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