
Weiweismart: You're aware that Adze is available for purchase

You're aware that Adze is available for purchase

24 Sep 2021 in 05:42am

I was browsing the forums here as I was trying to wc yellowews. My friend and I were discussing why I believe the rune-hatchet has RuneScape gold a higher speed than the dragon hatchet. She was in agreement to a certain extent but this idiot was a bit concerned that he might be rude and criticize me for stating it. I spent hours analyzing and timing a dragon hatchet to cut yews, which has taken me hours. I've come to the conclusion that they are either exactly identical or rune is slightly faster in my opinion, not to mention two mil less expensive.

He complained for many years about how his waste of 2 million dollars (not that it is much) was a more efficient cutter than mine. I said "lol OK Budd, you keep thinking about that". After we cut yews together, he said the stupid sentence of. "You're an idiot. You don't even have 99 cents!"

This was the millionth time I had to verbally admit this poor nub. He's a complete failure as well as a fool for his AWSUM achievement of 99 firemaking. A 99 fm untrimmed cape is without doubt the most absurd excuse you can use to argue that "I'm better than you" in Runescape. 99 firemaking when it's your only 99 is stupid and pointless.

You're aware that Adze is available for purchase at 92. The Adze is available at 92. 99 is a bit from you (sorta) So why not try it? It takes several weeks to finish and is boring. The only factor that makes it worth the effort is the fact that it is reasonably affordable if you own maples or willows. For it to work, you'll need approximately 45k logs.

I still had a great time verbally attacking him and crushing his hopes. Aren't you tired of seeing 99 fm'ers wearing untrimmed capes that number in the hundreds? The majority of them don't possess Adze. There are other skills that they need and a lot of them are at a lower level (60-80). The smart alecs have attitudes.

I've been involved in at least 3 arguments over nubs that believe they are better than I since I don't wear my 99 cape all day long. I'm not able to say that I've swung 99 times, but I did it for money for a time. I stopped at about the 96-and-half mark and then decided I'd add it to my already strong 99. In the buy OSRS gold end, I think 99 fm'ing is an insufferable excuse for a 99. I'm not proud of my 99 fletch cape and I don't often wear it.

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