
Weiweismart: Asmodians also bother the Elyos frequently

Asmodians also bother the Elyos frequently

18 Sep 2021 in 02:10am

Now , I know that EQ2 is not as large of aion classic kinah an MMO as WoWis, isn't and never will be, however I have noticed the same feelings from the WoW community as well as Asmon's position regarding classic and live in general, that the two games could be on the same direction as each other. Classic could turn into A TLE which starts out great and everyone is giddy about nostalgia, but then the enthusiasm fades once the community realizes that they aren't getting an identical feeling that they did in the past.

If there's a further example of the way TLEs influence the player base of a game, you can look at Archage's efforts at doing so, and now even Aion is attempting to bring back people who loved the first version of the game.

It will be interesting to look at how Classic will differ from TLEs like Everquest or releases from Archage and Aion however, if the past is repeated, the TLEs in EQ2 go out quickly, and the more expansions are released, the less excitement there is for the expansion itself. It is only for dedicated players that do not shine as the beacon of the community.

Also DayBreak The company that's in charge of EQ2 does not really care about the player base as much as Blizzard does with WoW (aka micro transactions, P2W mechanics, and more) And they're using it as a money cow to maintain afloat as a way to draw back old players or new players to a game that has issues on live , and plagued with problems with mechanics and number bloat.

Though I'm not quite sure what the maximum limit is, I play on Siel server on Aion Classic. It's very busy both day and night (I'm NA East). It's very enjoyable, and it's highly populated with EU and NA players. I would recommend joining us.

I decided to not join after further study, due to the company that runs Aion. It will take me too long to catch up, I'm not a whale, and it will be an absolute nightmare to be successful.

Asmodians also bother the Elyos frequently in Heiron In some cases, they go so that they even rob those who farm Aether in the vicinity of the gate...Some gank you when you are at half health from mobs with pve or when fighting mobs. If you have an advantage, why not use it.

Retail turned out to be something completely different. The same games you played as a child is still in the buy aion classic kinah eu store. I would not recommend it. If you are looking for the latest news or changes I've included them in my comment history.

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