
CLM: Activated carbon and petroleum

Activated carbon and petroleum

15 Mai 2021 in 03:31am
The evaporation loss of petroleum and its products during processing, storage and transportation is an important problem perplexing the petroleum and environmental protection industries.www.chinactivecarbon.com/ If no action is taken, the impact on people's health, the economy and the environment will be serious. Therefore, it is urgent and important to promote and adopt oil and gas recovery technology.In this paper, the basic principles of four oil and gas recovery technologies such as adsorption method, condensation method, absorption method and membrane separation method are described, and the oil and gas recovery technology based on adsorption method is systematically analyzed.A kind of activated carbon material suitable for oil and gas recovery system by adsorption method was selected according to the design requirements.
The main equipment of oil and gas recovery system by activated carbon adsorption method, the activated carbon tank, is designed and calculated, and its strength is checked.www.coconutactivatedcarbon.com/ The flowchart of the oil and gas recovery system by activated carbon adsorption in the laboratory of Environmental Engineering Department is also drawn, and the system is simulated in three dimensional.
Finally, the economic and technical analysis of activated carbon oil and gas recovery technology is carried out, and it is considered that the application of activated carbon adsorption oil and gas recovery system will bring obvious social benefits, environmental benefits and economic benefits, and has a wide application prospect.

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