
CLM: Activated carbon reinforcement

Activated carbon reinforcement

12 Mai 2021 in 03:02am
When the temperature is below 600℃, the specific surface area of carbonized material increases with the increase of temperature.When 600~900℃, the specific surface area reaches a certain value: 250~300 m2/g; when above1000℃, the specific surface area shrinks rapidly.
When the carbonization temperature is above 800℃, the reaction performance of carbonized compounds and activation gas gradually becomes weaker, so the carbonization temperature is generally below 1000℃. However, if the residual volatile content and thermal effect are taken into account, the most suitable temperature should be 600~700℃39].activated charcoal wholesale canada
The carbonized substance obtained from the carbonization process is placed in water vapor or a mixture of water vapor and combustion gas and heat treated at 800~1000℃, which is called the activation process.When the radon adsorption coefficient of activated carbon is constant,n is proportional to the concentration of radon. In this case, Equation (10) represents the functional relationship among the total number of activated carbon V, radon concentration and adsorption (or exposure) time. Therefore, the concentration of radon in the environment can be calculated according to the total number of activated carbon and adsorption time.Simulation calculation and result analysis of total number of activated carbon According to Equations (5) and (10), a computer program can be written to calculate the relationship between the total number of Y in the process of radon adsorption on activated carbon and the relationship between the total number of Y after the removal of activated carbon and the change of time.href="https://www.yrdcarbon.com/">www.hslabrasive.com /a>

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