
bestrsgoldfast: Longer has allowed for them to OSRS gold

Longer has allowed for them to OSRS gold

10 Nov 2020 in 02:40am
As time has passed, drops are becoming more prevalent amongst the participant pool just because longer has allowed for them to OSRS gold drop, so it's to be expected. So far as IRL currency worth, I believe it is roughly $0.60/million gp although I might be a bit off. There are falls from newer content worth countless millions to a little more than a billion gp. I only started playing recently and it's been a blast up to now.

Oh #censored#, I thought they were talking about OSRS. My bad. Yeah I was speaking to OSRS.

Simply to help put things into a bit of perspective, your typical high level player can reasonably make 7-10m gold an hour performing lots of different jobs. Top tier men can pull 35 million an hour.

Even with all of the flack it has, it's still got 40k online players in this time which sets it slightly under the amount of players currently playing Rust. Really curious what kind of numbers it'll pull and as a mostly buy runescape mobile gold participant, I truly hope the game won't get review bombed by the OSRS players that are still mad with RS3, potentially scaring off new players.

If you're looking to enter the sport and have played RS earlier or are coming from Buy Rs gold and don't like MTX whatsoever I highly suggest checking out Ironman Mode. It is a mode that disables the option to exchange with other players believing you'll have to earn everything yourself while at exactly the same time also disconnecting you from the more egregious forms of MTX RS3 offers.

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