
bestrsgoldfast: But imo that the Buy Runescape gold

But imo that the Buy Runescape gold

3 Nov 2020 in 03:16am
So that is actually better for someone who hasn't ever played OSRS gold?

Rs3 is far easier to level up and less grindy. However, the combat is waay more complex (and imo, fun). Osrs is much more about the journey.

But in the long run they're almost very different games. I would recommend giving a fantastic amount of time to (like 20 hours to every if you can) and seeing that you like more. Or simply play on and off.

Remember though RS3 really excels in end game supervisor content (And quests, but these are a 1 time done thing), but the combat is complicated and somewhat difficult to grasp.

I am near my 15 year cape and that I only use legacy combat. But I don't boss, so it does not matter how much.

Sounded fine, but imo that the Buy Runescape gold eoc combat is much more fun when you learn it. But there's quite a learning curve so you need quite a investment to learn it. Using revolution to begin off may be a way to get to it without a lot of difficulty (though its still not as easy as heritage of course) Eoc is one of the greatest things to happen to rs imo but the launching was HORRIBLE. However, now its quite fine minus some problems.

Yeah I hear it is great and raises DPS enough that you can not actually endgame boss without it. I'm about skilling and trying to earn money off of skills , therefore I do not do battle much in general.

But because I played because windows Vista was the newest thing, I have highish combat. Mainly use it for slayer haha I only utilize heritage too and also have noticed zero problems with supervisors. My combat stats were maxed before the change though so maybe that is it.

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