
Yucca195: With Path of Exile: Harvest developing well on PC, Xbox One and PS4 are also launched together

With Path of Exile: Harvest developing well on PC, Xbox One and PS4 are also launched together

4 Jul 2020 in 10:36am
Just a week ago, with the launch of Harvest extension, we saw the world of Path of Exile on PC. Today, Xbox One and PS4 have exactly the same features-if you are a game enthusiast, then you can not miss this product.

Grinding Gears' free game Path of Exile has always provided players with unprecedented opportunities. It was first released in 2013 as a PC business at the time, and the migration to Xbox One and PS4 in 2017 was a trick, which tripled the number of players. This is definitely a game that attracts love from all corners of the game world, and the arrival of the Harvest expansion will consolidate this love.

Path of Exile: Harvest introduced players to an Oshabi. He invites you to help cultivate the sacred woods. This is an ancient garden with mysterious power. Seeds can be planted in this forest, and dangerous monsters will be produced when ready to harvest. You will then be responsible for killing these monsters to use their vitality as a powerful production resource and help other exotic crops grow. By doing so, you will get POE Currency, and then you can unlock powerful hand-made options that no previous extension can match.

"One of the favorite aspects of the Harvest Alliance is its production system," said Chris Wilson, co-founder and managing director of Grinding Gear Games. "We do tend to design a handicraft system that is more powerful, accessible and unique than ever. We can't wait to see how Path of Exile players can push Harvest's powerful production potential to its limits."

Path of Exile: The main features of Harvest include the following:

Download and play all content for free, but never pay.
Harvest Harvest Alliance and its powerful production system.
Four new Warcry skills, and the transformation of three existing skills.
Three new brands, one brand supports POE Orbs, and has transformed existing brands.
New "Grand Slam" skill category, including news Grand Slam skills and auxiliary gems. Renovate an existing Grand Slam.
Dynamically rebalance existing gameplay.
More than 50 unique products and 12 new products have been improved.
Passive skill tree transformation

If you are disappointed with the advantages of the online action RPG provided by Path of Exile, and want to participate in this mature Harvest, then you should be able to find available updates on Xbox One and PS4. If this is not the case, you can be sure that it will enter your side soon. Of course, you can also find Path of Exile: Harvest on your PC. If you want to get the POE Currency of the new alliance soon, I think you can buy it at IGGM. This is also a very wise choice. If there are enough POE Currency and POE Items at the beginning of the new season, then you will be more relaxed in the later game travel.

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