
MMOruki: This has some scale bot problems RuneScape

This has some scale bot problems RuneScape

7 Mai 2020 in 02:15am
The LMS update buy RuneScape gold that was done during Mod Roq's spare time was really terrific. Imagine we had a group as big league working on PvP for even a day. Really wish they would do something for us and quit acting like they're listening (because they are not). There are countless discords of thoughts and suggestions we (The clan leaders, members, streamers, pkers etc) given over the decades in which they promise they will"listen this period". It happens each year. I would not be shocked if that is what they'll do this time. They will likely pass this upcoming clan system update and say it's for the PVP, but in fact, it is just going through to benefit the ironmen scene. It is really a joke.

This has some scale bot problems. If they don't discontinue this quite soon, another massive wave of robots will likely be created and we've got 2007 2.0 shortly. No more wildy. The quantity of gold going into RuneScape daily is absurd. When the first significant bot farms are installed, they will destroy the market completely. After months of quitting, I am still surprised just how much #censored# the higher ups at Jagex care what happens to their match. I do not blame the mods. They are/were always very enthusiastic about RuneScape, a few mods even take their free time off work to create updates for this particular community. They are not the ones to blame in any way. The choices are made by the dudes which lead this firm. It is not simply only PvP getting ignored at this stage (I feel sorry for all of the PKers out there dealing with this much bs), this update in it's present state is a game-killer.

I had this thought the other day. Presently the wilderness is a place filled with assorted cheeses, attracting mice to eat them. Cats hang out there because they understand if they can be caught by them the mice will be an easy meal. Imagine if pkers and pvmers were more like sharks and dolphins? 1 shark will beat a lone dolphin, however, the angels counter this by grouping up, only being beaten by groups of sharks. I'm just spitballing here, but imagine if being unskulled makes you being skulled, and attackable by a single individual at one time allows you to be dogpiled?

Add some sort of goal switch timer that prioritises special objectives so for example if 1 pker attacks 5 pvmers they can overpower him, however if another 3 pkers join in they could each single off among those pvmers to save the original pker out of being dogpiled. Switch it. Obviously the pkers are still at an advantage as they attracted pvp centric equipment and have complete inventories, which is a good thing as naturally pkers should nevertheless have some predatory benefit. This idea very likely requires a great deal of work and possibly various other changes to the wilderness but that I believe big changes such as this are required to make the wilderness an actual healthy place.

Jagex does not care it understandable. Exploits like this are driving the price of bonds to record highs, causing the immediate payment of membership to become a more favorable solution for casual players. The"fail" appears to be deliberate. Bonds and membership are the only way Jagex can market through OSRS. Without a incentive Runescape will likely disappear sooner than anticipated. Every bond that is bought comes from somebody who paid real life cash for it so it's not like it is coming from thin air. But cheap RS gold I agree complete.

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