
Yucca195: Path of Exile: The developers explain how Betrayal becomes part of the main game

Path of Exile: The developers explain how Betrayal becomes part of the main game

11 Apr 2019 in 03:41am
With the approaching end of the Betrayal League and the imminent beginning of Path of Exile's Synthesis League, what comes out of the mechanics of the Immortal Syndicate introduced in Betrayal?

The developers at GGG have now released a manifesto in POE Currency which they look back at patch 3.5.0 and explain the resulting changes to the Action RPG - because the mechanics of Betrayal find their way into the main game.

The revision of the master system was one of the great cornerstones of Betrayal. Therefore, few players would be surprised that Jun Ortoi, who supported us in the fight against the Syndicate, joins as Master in patch 3.6.0. The exiles will meet them for the first time in Act 9 in Hohenpforte.At www.mmoah.com/path-of-exile

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