
Yucca195: FF14 Shadowbringers Dancer 3

FF14 Shadowbringers Dancer 3

1 Apr 2019 in 07:38am
The engrossing action-RPG was already released in 2017 and has now become a bit of your cult classic - much more so as opposed to equally fascinating but clunky original Nier.

If we go from the previous time scale used for FFXIV Gil that Stormblood expansion, though, we shall likely start to see the first section on the raid combined with the game about four months as soon as the release of Shadowbringers in what will probably be Patch 5.1 – around October or November. Then, each additional raid section is usually included with the game in alternate odd-numbered patches, so one more two parts would arrive with Patch 5.3 and Patch 5.5.

This pattern may change for Shadowbringers, but this update schedule may be regular for Final Fantasy 14 Gil just a long time now and we percieve no reason for that for being different from the latest expansion considering how successful it offers been with the game at keeping a steady flow of latest content.

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