
Yucca195: Ultros and Other Familiar Faces Return in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn 2

Ultros and Other Familiar Faces Return in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn 2

23 Marz 2019 in 04:46am
Their journey leads these phones focus on uncovering the Coliseum’s Treasure, by which Hildibrand and crew literally journey on the FFXIV Gil aforementioned Amajina Cup Tournament, even though it remains being seen if they'd like to actually compete.

This actually accounts for a side-quest for your Amajina Cup Tournament, the location where the duo have curiously setup a entirely unique area dubbed the “Dragon’s Neck Coliseum,” and this is a throwback to you personally Final Fantasy VI players around.

More details will likely be announced throughout the next Live Letter there has be some very secure hints towards more details on 2 new Jobs being announced when it reaches this years Fan Feast so keep tuned in.If you wish to Buy FFXIV Gil see the total translated interview simply click here.

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