
Myramillan: The players began to train their torch-making skills.

The players began to train their torch-making skills.

26 Marz 2024 in 09:56am
In the last few days, Mod Joe from the Guardians team, which brought our an adventure called the River of Blood and The Lord of Vampyrium quests and announced the next project they're working on OSRS gold: The Arc Islands. This idea was proposed in RuneLabs and then unexpectedly beat Menaphos as well as Underwater City in voting. As the earlier initiatives from The Guardian team had been more narrative-driven however, they were not given the liberty to release information. This isn't the case now which means we'll get more details on the road to the release.

The first, somewhat-specific feature Mod Joe mentioned was the inclusion of Slayer ability in the zone. There ought to be Slayer creatures as well as ways to gain Slayer points based on specific goals. There isn't likely to be any conventional Slayer master, but. Since this is the very beginning stage of development. Many things can be altered.Another area of interest to developers is the possibility of Player-owned ports. Mod Joe states it is important that The Arc should be somehow connected to these ports. The Arc is intended to be built to attract top players, even though their less skilled counterparts will be able to continue accessing the zone. You'll need a range of abilities to be able to enjoy all the areas have to provide. Mod Joe will also assure you that they will develop content that builds on previous information so that you will be able to identify the region.

Another intriguing idea to emerge from RuneLabs regarding their content updates was the idea to create a brand new closed economy within the region. Mod James, as well as members of the Guardian team loved the idea a lot, and the Arc is going to become a new world for players. We are really impressed by this idea as you can't spend your entire character's worth of gold to purchase everything you want. Everyone is supposed to be equal at the beginning. This is a good idea. The money you earn from The Arc will not go to waste since you'll be able to take it back home and invest it into your ports owned by players. There will be no way to access ports resources until you reach The Arc.

While teams typically have three months to have the game ready for players However, the magnitude of this project enticed the top management of Jagex to extend this timeframe to six months. In this regard it is clear that the Guardian team does not want to have players wait until October and then have little or no progress and are set to release the first part of The Arc Islands in July, with the other portion coming out in the month of October. Since they Guardian team also had the honour of creating the Halloween celebration, it will likely occur on one of Arc Islands.

We don't know what you think about us however, we are very excited about this piece of content. Hopefully, July and Oct arrive quickly, and we will see with you on the Islands. If you are aware of how time operates when you're anxious about the next thing and it's going to be a long 3 months.

Jagex has made a bizarre choice that has inspired top-level RuneScape PvM players to get out their pitchforks, and prepare themselves for a violent be riotous. The latest patches promise to transform combat, but players don't like it. What exactly will be changed? The first thing is that NPCs struck by other NPCs will not be able to stuns lasting 10 seconds instead as they are now. Dreadnips the most popular PvM weapon since the beginning of time, has been destroyed with this change, and PvM players began to train their torch-making skills.
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