
cofffee124: Remember, sex dolls should not be viewed as replacements, but as supplements.

Remember, sex dolls should not be viewed as replacements, but as supplements.

13 Jan 2024 in 07:40am
The best way to resist jealousy is to turn your experiences with your beloved sexdoll into a relationship between a man and a woman and explore it together.

For example, you need to let your partner take control using a realistic sex doll together. As you can see, you are not the only happy one. It's best to buy equivalent products for your partners and use them interchangeably. It can help your partner understand the joy of it.

Your partner may ask questions or even be upset. Would you care if you found a TPE sex doll becoming more and more attractive? Still wondering if this is atypical cheating?

Maybe there’s no harm in opening up and speaking honestly. Of course, you shouldn't say how the sex doll grows on you, although you'll likely get an affordable sex doll that's very realistic and high quality. What you are saying is that you realize that your partner is important and irreplaceable and that the sex doll is just a fantasy to you.

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