
Emilylowes: The card also gave a second mount hilariously

The card also gave a second mount hilariously

6 Nov 2023 in 01:54am
Once again the trading card game holds a mount out of the reach of many WoTLK Gold players. Anyone could find the X-51 Nether Rocket card in the Servants of the Betrayer expansion but only 1% of total players still have it to this day, making it one of the rarest mounts in WoW.

Ironically, the card also gave a second mount hilariously named the X-51 Nether-Rocket X-TREME which a total of 3% of the player base still has to this day. The less extreme mount is the rare one? Strange times indeed.

Tyrael's Charger goes back a long way, to the release of Diablo 3 and the Mists of Pandaria Expansion in 2012. Ten years ago, players received it when they bought the limited-time offer WoW Annual Pass, which included a year's worth of game time along with a few other goodies.

Extra gifts along with the extended subscription included a free copy of Diablo 3, guaranteed access to the beta test version of MoP, and Tyrael's Charger. This otherwordly and rare mount became sought after by Paladins and Priests, but when the Annual Pass went away so did this mount. WoTLK Classic Gold popped up again in the Taiwan Battle Shop in 2017 when Blizzard offered the same deal there.

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