
Emilylowes: You'll be awarded honor points

You'll be awarded honor points

11 Okt 2023 in 09:40am
If you do win your daily battle WoTLK Gold round that will award you an additional 30 honor points, 720 as well being 25 Arena points that is on top of whatever honor You just earned during the battleground. This gives you a whole lot of extra honor. In addition, even if win, you'll be awarded honor points. These bonuses also work at any time that a round has become a an appeal to arms.

In addition, the amount you earn from battlegrounds is also altered. you'll get significantly higher honors per battle. The change also means that honor earned by each person is different for each person. This means that the actual individual performance will earn you more or less honor depending on the amount of goals you complete, etc. Here's an example of an eye from the storm at the end, you can see that the most honor earned by a player was 2254.

Although even the losing team's players were all awarded over 1000 Honor This is an amazing change in my opinion. Since it makes the training Beegees give a decent level of respect. However, in TVC there are games that require you to queue up be beaten and leave with 30 Honor Points which WOW WoTLK Classic Gold is a very awful system.

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