
Emilylowes: This is a lot of DPS

This is a lot of DPS

29 Jul 2023 in 02:31am
A trap being dropped on a boss WoTLK GoldC and having it actually go off is extremely inconsistent. You must know the moment it'll go off for each boss separately. Contrary to what a normal Hunter Jesus is likely to think , it's actually easier to pop traps on smaller bosses and not on bigger ones. I dropped one over kil Jaeden and a prepaid sunwell that was on the model, and it didn't explode. If you make a mistake, you'll end up with a trap.

This is a lot of DPS gun not only from the trap damage however, also from parking Lock and load. Keep in mind that traps share a cooldown with black air. The point at which you feel Blizzard striking all hunters in the nuts , hunting with snipers, and the hunter spec, which needs to move more than others gets the ability to boost your damage.

If you're standing still this is absurd. It's like you're incentivized to use black arrow even although it's less destructive. This isn't even getting into dropping frost traps to Brock lock and loads. There's no doubt that the threat of damage remains for survival. It just doesn't feel nearly as enjoyable cheap WoTLK Classic Gold to play as it should. But if you enjoy it, do it. Okay.

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