
MeadeDorian: Diablo Immortal's Terror's Tide update includes new content

Diablo Immortal's Terror's Tide update includes new content

18 Apr 2023 in 08:08am
Diablo Immortal's Terror's Tide update includes new content designed to entice both seasoned and novice players Diablo 2 Resurrected Items. Additionally, all servers are set at a Server Paragon Level of 320 (if they are below this level), and the maximum experience rewards for servers with a lower Server Paragon Level have been increased by two.

Stormpoint is a new zone that will only be accessible to players with a level of 60 who have reached Hell Difficulty III and completed the Starsign quest. These modifications are anticipated to make it easier for lower-level players to quickly gain access to the new content.

High-level players may also gain from the brand-new Hell Difficulties and Paragon system. Three brand-new Hell Difficulties—VI VII, VI, and VIII—are scheduled to be released alongside the three brand-new Paragon Trees. Paragon Trees can also be found at various Hell difficulty levels, making progress feel more satisfying.

Hell Difficulties' earlier levels are also being altered. Players can now party with friends from Difficulties I-IV, and new Difficulties can be unlocked by defeating bosses. Additionally, Helliquary boss rewards have been scaled to Hell Difficulty, so rewards will increase in proportion to Hell Difficulty.

Among the additional features that will be included in Terror's Tide are an updated Battle Pass, the ability to re-customize your character's head buy D2R ladder items, skill and item rework, bug fixes, and the five brand-new Legendary Gems.

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