
Emilylowes: We're talking about the benediction Alliance part

We're talking about the benediction Alliance part

30 Marz 2023 in 03:57am
Then who did you think the latency WoTLK Gold wasn't as amazing as you'd just click to take a bite of an entire mob, and it'd appear as if items were disappearing slowly. So latency. It's not bad, but it certainly wasn't exactly an ideal experience. It was evident that there was some lag. The lag continued for a while. somewhat dependent on if you were further away from the crowd there, you'd see more lag, but that's really not so bad for a massive server. Right? We're talking about the benediction Alliance part.

Another thing that is quite surprising about this launch is that it was the reason that I did not have to fight with other players to identify mobs. I was thinking, Why could I be doing in a different area? Are I suppose to be in this area? It's Northrend. Right? It was like me I was like, Where's everyone? It was like tagging these shovel tusks. And I was like, there's no one to here competing with me for these mobs.

And I thought"Wow I'm really surprised. It's amazing that I'm able to tag these mobs. It's like, I was taken aback first. It's like I'm leaving here like something's gotta be wrong. I don't know what's happening. I'm not sure if it was layers or if it was me being ahead of the crowd. I was kind of running out into the wilderness and started taking out shovel tusks.

That was quite a shock to me. A further surprise was that the fastest Levellers it seemed so far in Wrath Lich King were actually grinding Burning Crusade dungeons, the most powerful class that it appeared as if it was went through and I looked at those who were already Level 72, whereas I was still level 70 actually appeared to be warriors. I wondered what's going on, that they are all within Botanika, so this seemed like this was the best farm. This was a real cheap WoTLK Gold surprise to me. I did actually do a decent amount of planning.

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