
Nfkjasfas: To be able to get their hands on head-on the Golden Party Hat

To be able to get their hands on head-on the Golden Party Hat

15 Marz 2023 in 04:31am
Since party hats have been initially a lot of fun to find in limited amounts over a short period and feature due to the discontinuation anyone fortunate enough to own them could sell them for billions of money OSRS gold. Although the hats are merely ornamental and do not provide any stat-based bonuses and are currently the most expensive object on the Grand Exchange, hitting the highest cost of 2.1billion gold in 2015.

To be able to get their hands on head-on the Golden Party Hat, gamers may have to finish "diverse targets" and earn eight golden shreds for their efforts. After all eight shards have been collected, they may be incorporated into the Golden Party Hat.

However, now no longer handiest is the occasion time-restrained, however handiest one golden crown could be crafted in keeping with each participant's preferences. Similar to their predecessors from 2001, Jagex says of the golden tops "after the cut-off date the hats will never be available to be redeemed!"

It is unclear if the brand-new object interrupts the in-sport financial system and reduces the cost for the current party hats or becomes an entirely new or greater top class object stays in the public eye. Jagex could be marking this event all of the equal while also reworking the in-sport Grand Exchange space into "a Golden Party Hat iciness wonderland".

The golden hat is the crowning addition (sorry) to RuneScape's 12 months-lengthy twentieth-anniversary celebrations. It will be launched on the back of the partyhat occasion is the fourth and last part of the anniversary quest Once Upon a Time cheap RS gold, strolling all 12 months.

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