Emilylowes: You can take the jump down
You can take the jump down
9 Marz 2023 in 10:04am
From the entrance to Bleak Edge Lost Ark Gold, follow the path north and then west past the corpse soldier guards. Head northwest to the next large area, where you’ll be ambushed by massed geunyo and more corpse soldiers. Once defeated, the quest text will change to, ‘Eliminate the group of corpse soldiers’. Leave this area west towards the next quest point marked on the map but hug the north side of the path. Before you get to the next battle there’s a secret cave entrance to the north. Enter it to find your first two mokokos, both at the back of the cave in plain sight.
THEGAMER VIDEO OF THE DAY Mokoko Seed Three – The Worm’s Cave
Keep heading west, then continue following the main quest as the path goes north along Hell Road and through the gate, into Spiral Hell. Use the first jump point and work your way clockwise right up to the north-most area of the map. Just before the next jump point, after the glowing barrier lowers, you’ll see one of the worms on your left that can come out of the wall and injure you. Wait for it to go, then run into the hole it came out of. This leads into another secret cavern – and another seed.
Mokoko Seeds Four And Five – Before The Rock
Now you can take the jump down and follow the path east across the top of the map, then south. At the end of the path, you’ll come to a boulder. Just north of it, on the east of the path, is your third secret passageway. And at the end of that passageway, your fourth and fifth – and final – mokoko seeds of the Bleak Edge dungeon.
If you want to collect a lot of mokoko seeds fast in Lost Ark, dungeon delving is a smart move. You’ll find a lot of seeds in some relatively small areas, while completing vital parts of your Adventurer’s Tome and the main story quests.
Related: Lost Ark: Where To Find Every Mokoko Seed In Melody Forest
The continent of Anikka is a great place to start, having four dungeons packed with mokokos. Jeok’s Barrier in Melody Forest has seven to itself. But you will have to complete the dungeon to find them all. It can be tricky if you miss any, as there are a couple of spots you can’t go back from. So, if you want to buy Lost Ark Gold work through methodically, you’ll find all the locations described below.
THEGAMER VIDEO OF THE DAY Mokoko Seed Three – The Worm’s Cave
Keep heading west, then continue following the main quest as the path goes north along Hell Road and through the gate, into Spiral Hell. Use the first jump point and work your way clockwise right up to the north-most area of the map. Just before the next jump point, after the glowing barrier lowers, you’ll see one of the worms on your left that can come out of the wall and injure you. Wait for it to go, then run into the hole it came out of. This leads into another secret cavern – and another seed.
Mokoko Seeds Four And Five – Before The Rock
Now you can take the jump down and follow the path east across the top of the map, then south. At the end of the path, you’ll come to a boulder. Just north of it, on the east of the path, is your third secret passageway. And at the end of that passageway, your fourth and fifth – and final – mokoko seeds of the Bleak Edge dungeon.
If you want to collect a lot of mokoko seeds fast in Lost Ark, dungeon delving is a smart move. You’ll find a lot of seeds in some relatively small areas, while completing vital parts of your Adventurer’s Tome and the main story quests.
Related: Lost Ark: Where To Find Every Mokoko Seed In Melody Forest
The continent of Anikka is a great place to start, having four dungeons packed with mokokos. Jeok’s Barrier in Melody Forest has seven to itself. But you will have to complete the dungeon to find them all. It can be tricky if you miss any, as there are a couple of spots you can’t go back from. So, if you want to buy Lost Ark Gold work through methodically, you’ll find all the locations described below.
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