
Emilylowes: This is an unprecedented third Blizzard game

This is an unprecedented third Blizzard game

28 Febr 2023 in 10:06am

Although the reviews for Diablo 4 Gold has been positive and the game being rated a 79 on Metacritic's critic score, the user scores are the point at which Diablo 4 is getting review dismissed. Recently it was reported that the total number of reviews from users was close to 1200. Diablo 4 had an overall score of 0.6 this, making it one of the most unfavorable ratings for the Blizzard game. Now, it has officially won the title of having the highest user score on Metacritic, with 2485 users making the score drop to 0.5.

This is an unprecedented third Blizzard game in the span of years to reach a user score below 1.0 in Metacritic. Prior to this, the 2021 remake of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade also gained a score of 0.5. But, with just 371 user reviews for that game, it's not receiving similar negative reviews like Diablo 4's user score. The third Blizzard game to earn an average score of less then 1.0 Was Warcraft 3: Reforged, it was accused of lagging several features of the first game.

If Blizzard will pay attention to the negative and overwhelming reception to Diablo 4 is unknown. In the moment, players and fans are pondering Blizzard developers such as Game Director Wyatt Cheng on what improvements can be added to the game. Many have found Cheng's prior statements that there was no possibility of ranking gear using real money Diablo 4 to be disingenuous since the game's release. One streamer made the announcement after failing to discover gems in cheap Diablo 4 Gold. and has up to now spent $10.000 on being able to obtain a five-star legendary gem and demonstrates how ineffective the current loot system can be.

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