
MeadeDorian: Has learned from the Diablo Immortal launch

Has learned from the Diablo Immortal launch

27 Febr 2023 in 08:52am
One of the biggest concerns for any free-to-play game particularly one that is loot-based, is how the game can be monetized. In this regard D2R Items, Heng explained that purchases in Torchlight Infinite are broken down into two categories. Features like more bag space, talent resets, and auto-looting functionality will be what Heng described as "pay-for-convenience." New heroes, as well as various cosmetics, will be available for purchase and come under what Heng declared to be "pay-for-content."

Torchlight Infinite will not sell craft materials or equipment to anyone for real money, Heng said. The products will "strictly to be obtained through grinding" to guarantee fairness for everyone. Heng declared that Torchlight Infinite won't have any stamina meters , or systems restricting player progress, and said players will have the "freedom to begin and stop their game at any time."

It's a tricky decision to make. Diablo Immortal, which Torchlight Infinite may be like, was widely criticised at the time of its launch for its pay-to-win-win-win-win-win-win-win even though it was reported to have made greater than $50m during its first month. More recently gamers have complained the fact that Diablo's MMO structure penalizes solo players, with many inability to find the extra players required to play the Dungeons or Raids that are necessary for progression.

If asked what learnings XD Inc. has learned from the Diablo Immortal launch, Heng didn't mention the microtransactions in the game that have caused controversy However, he did say that many of the issues with Diablo Immortal resulted from a failure to handle expectations of players.

"From our viewpoint, the majority of the public was unhappy with their expectations of how Diablo Immortal was presented as an ARPG game cheap D2R ladder items, and instead the game was launched as an ARPG MMO," Heng said.

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