
Emilylowes: This first Mokoko Seed is hidden in some foliage

This first Mokoko Seed is hidden in some foliage

22 Febr 2023 in 01:53am
To note, Lastra Forest leads directly into Lost Ark Gold King Luterra's Tomb, and there are three Mokoko Seeds in that area. While those Lost Ark Mokoko Seeds may not technically be Lastra Forest Seeds, it stands to reason that players will want to collect them all at the same time. As such, this guide will also cover the King's Tomb Mokoko Seeds, and information on their locations can be found at the very bottom.

Lost Ark: Lastra Forest Mokoko Seed Locations The first Mokoko Seed is next to a table with a burning candle sitting on it. Enter the cemetery on the right just after passing through the gate

Which is near some candles. Then continue across the wooden bridge on the right and head downward to reach an alcove with some more gravestones, candles.

From this position, Lost Ark players should continue downward, cross another wooden bridge, and head toward the burning candles.

There is yet another bridge below Seed, and Mokoko Seed is across it, not far from a chest. 6: This Mokoko Seed is on the ground by a metal fence and some gravestones.

The final Lastra Forest Mokoko Seed is hidden by the beam of light, just to the right of a leafless tree, and it is likely to be the one that most MMORPG fans are missing. Lost Ark: King Luterra's Tomb Mokoko Seed Locations.

This first Mokoko Seed is hidden in some foliage next to a metal fence and burning torch. This is the easiest King's Tomb Mokoko Seed to find, and it is sitting at the edge of the ledge. The final Mokoko Seed in this area is hidden next to a large pot, and fans should watch for the hand icon to appear next to their buy Gold Lost Ark characters as they approach it.

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