
Emilylowes: We recently added Content ID scanning on channels

We recently added Content ID scanning on channels

19 Jan 2023 in 02:52am
The documents of the former WoTLK Gold contractor Edward Snowden released this week revealed how American and British agents of the government snuck into fantasy games such as World of Warcraft and Second Life and Xbox Live, in an effort to find terrorists.

The documents describe World of Warcraft, Second Life as well as Xbox Live as "target-rich" communication networks where potential target intelligence agents could "hide out of sight." The documents do not declare if any terrorist plots were thwarted by surveillance by the government.

Microsoft has joined a group that has called for the President Obama along with the members of Congress to implement reforms that guarantee that surveillance by the government is not impeded through law.

Blizzard and Capcom provide assistance following the massive increase on YouTube copyright claims

Update: Following an article about this article, an official from YouTube representative made an explanation of the situation to P2Pah.

"We recently added Content ID scanning on channels that have been identified as being affiliated with [Multi Channel Networks[Multi Channel Networks]" YouTube's YouTube representative explained. "This has led to the creation of new copyright claims for certain users, which are based on policies that are set by the relevant owners of content. Like always channel owners have the ability to buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold challenge Content ID claims if they consider that those claims are untrue."

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