
Emilylowes: World of Warcraft is an unusual box-office phenomenon

World of Warcraft is an unusual box-office phenomenon

16 Jan 2023 in 03:11pm
A source who was not identified to The Hollywood Reporter recently said that a plan was already underway for a sequel WoTLK Gold. The source acknowledged it would require less money to make it happen.

From the nearly $430m World of Warcraft has earned around the world, nearly 90 percent were from outside the United States. The movie grossed nearly $221 million -- more than half the total gross--in China alone, whereas the US produced just $46.6 million.

" World of Warcraft is an unusual box-office phenomenon and unlike anything the industry has experienced," analyst Jeff Bock said recently. "If China didn't end up earning what it did it would be an absolute failure. Today, it's a light concussion."

With a budget that is reported to be $160 million, those who are connected to the film predict that it would lose $15 million. This contradicts earlier reports that it could make its profits on the potential that the Chinese market.

Even though it looks like a money-loser, World of Warcraft has been ranked as the highest-grossing game movie ever, surpassing the Jake Gyllenhaal-starring Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time ($336 million globally).

Jones His next film is a sci-fi movie with a smaller budget known as Mute. The film is expected to begin shooting by the end of the year the director said on Twitter. Do not expect any information on the film during San Diego Comic-Con cheap WoTLK Gold this week however.

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