
Emilylowes: You'll see an in-game blue mark

You'll see an in-game blue mark

10 Jan 2023 in 09:17am
In the next step, there is NPC Lost Ark Gold which is named Ronika in Facility X301. upon reaching the facility, you must speak to Ronika. Her location is in the southeast and she'll be waiting to greet you there. After meeting Ronika you will have a better understanding of Lost Ark Tarmakum Location.

However, before getting an opportunity to speak with Ronika, you'll need to eliminate every mob that is at your back. After eliminating all the enemies, you'll have the chance to speak with Ronika.

After your chat with Ronika She will then ask you to carry out a task for her. The goal is called investigating Ronika Traces. Remember every objective that you must complete in the game, and you'll see an in-game blue mark on the map. You must follow the location and you will be able to locate it.

Additionally, the thing Ronika is asking you to complete will be displayed as a map. You will have to inspect a machine that is operating. After that, you need to find some way to stop the machine , and also check the boxes that are stacked there.

When you arrive at the spot You can use the communications module and receive the calls from Elisa. Later she will ask you to remove Lost Ark Tarmakum Boss in the X-301 area. However, Tarmakum's boss cheapest Lost Ark Gold lives in the Underground area, to go there you need the Secret Hideout Key.

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