
Nfkjasfas: We stopped development and focused our efforts to the core RuneScape games

We stopped development and focused our efforts to the core RuneScape games

12 Aug 2022 in 03:49am
Following the two weeks of community events the new area will be renamed Het'sOasis A place of exploration and learning OSRS Gold, with a variety of instructional content that will help those who want to improve their Agility, Farming and Hunter skills.

"Heroes are also able to assist the God of Death in two Eye of Het mini-quests as they explore the tomb of Het in search of an enthralling object that can aid the gods' youth as part of the Elder God Wars saga," the press release reads.

A new event is scheduled to begin and starts now and runs until December 3, 2022, players can receive a new version of the iconic "Partyhat" the item that was initially only offered during a Christmas celebration way back in 2001. The original version was available in red, green, yellow, blue, purple, or white, RuneScape's "The Golden Party Hat Hunt" quest will let players to unlock one of the popular cosmetics with a metallic sheen.

As the hats for parties were only available in limited numbers for a brief period and were later removed players lucky enough to have one can sell them for billions in game coins. While the hats are solely decorative and don't offer any stat bonuses, they're now the priciest item available on the Grand Exchange, hitting the highest price of 2.1billion gold in 2015.

For a chance to own - or heads in - a Golden Party Hat, players must fulfill "various objectives" and earn eight gold shards as a reward for their efforts. After all eight have been collected, they will be used to create a Golden Party Hat.

But, not only is the event time-bound however, only one golden hat is created by each participant buy rs07 gold. As with their predecessors from 2001, Jagex says of the golden hats that "after the cut-off date they will not become available to be earned again!"

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