
Skyzhay: Warzone Pacific Season 2 skin glitched into "Headless Horseman"

Warzone Pacific Season 2 skin glitched into "Headless Horseman"

31 Marz 2022 in 02:18am

This Pacific Season 2 patch Lost Ark Gold was delayed by two weeks so developers could address some of the game's annoying bugs and glitches. The patch is out now and has solved a lot of issues, while balancing seemingly most arsenals.

Unfortunately, though, this update comes with its own issues. It's been reported by players that"Bundled up" the "Bundled With" legendary skin (which is part of the Battle Pass Bundle) seems to lack the head... eerily like Washington Irving's "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow."

As you can see in the video of streamer LouiCM In the video, the "Bundled Up" skin for Wade isn't exactly what one would like from a thumbnail. When previewing the Operator, there's nothing more than the neck.

All weapon buffs and nerfs are included in the Warzone Season 2 Pacific update

In no way is it surprising that cheapest Lost Ark Gold players have started calling the character the "Headless Horseman." It's an excellent allusion to the story of Ichabod Crane, and a living proof that Warzone players are literate by the art of literary works.

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