
Dragonborn: A good example is Wild Magic pre combat improvements

A good example is Wild Magic pre combat improvements

23 Marz 2022 in 02:27am

If you've got Sacrifice, use it as often as you are able, but try to achieve those KO's for a huge heal. Utilize Sunshine and RS Gold the Death's Swiftness as often as you can. Berserk is also useful for Melee but it's not as good for Slayer because it lasts for 20 seconds. Also , ask some PK'ers to have a good understanding of combat and i've probably left a lot out.

Really wish I could give an honest answer to this question but I've not done any research since the combat improvement update that changed a lot of abilities. The problem has to do with the fact that Jagex has really very bad communication between team of coders and writers, and both website and ingame descriptions are usually completely inaccurate compared to the actual code.

A good example is Wild Magic pre combat improvements The game's ingame and online description claims that it can take between 25% and 250% damage, when in fact it was able to do 73%-219 damage. There were numerous other abilities that were mislabeled prior to combat enhancements. Some abilities may still be not properly labeled, however I unfortunately do not have the data.

Another thing I'd like to be aware of is the correct recharge time of abilities. Jagex is notoriously annoying in its insistent on using seconds, with a wildly inaccurate rounding, instead of making use of decimal values or saying "game ticks". In addition, you should not be asking players about DPS as it's no importance in Pking. It's all about stuns prayers, defensives and high burst damage combos. If you try to knock someone down using the normal pvm strategies, they'll kill you for many days.

I recently purchased my Spider Orb from the Grand Exchange and used it to Buy OSRS Accounts fight under the Barbarian Village. One thing I observed was that the animation seems to suggest that the spell is emanating from it's Spider Orb (And not the Spider Wand, which I also have).

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