
Nfkjasfas: Lost Ark Video Showcases the MMO's Endgame

Lost Ark Video Showcases the MMO's Endgame

25 Febr 2022 in 03:30am
For more information about Lost Ark, feel free to look through our guide on the Mokoko Seeds places and what to do with old equipment Lost Ark Gold. Asmongold's first Lost Ark stream was his largest ever stream on TwitchTwitch star Asmongold returned to streaming on his main channel after the launch the channel Lost Ark with a broadcast which broke his record peak viewership at over 285,000.

On February 8, Asmongold returned to his main channel following months of broadcasting on his second channel, Zackrawrr. During his return in the past, he had made a promise that he'd be trying GTA RP very soon. It was an announcement that created a ton of excitement since fans of his have been asking him to try GTA for years now.

His triumphant comeback also led him to peaked at levels of viewership he's not ever seen before.Asmongold smashes his own record for viewership the 31-year-old Twitch streamer started the Lost Ark journey by finding the majority of variations of his name has been used before.

How to Claim Lost Ark Twitch drops. He failed at naming his character Asmongold, Asmon, Zackrawrr, and Asmongler. Finally, after even more attempts, he finally settled on the name that satisfies him: Asmongod. Asmon usually has trouble getting his name for new MMO's, and Lost Ark proved to be an exception as fans snatched almost every variant that "Asmongold" possible.

As the stream was in full swing, he reached a peak of 285,726 people, the highest ever according to stat tracking website Twitch Tracker Buy Lost Ark Boosting. This number was just barely higher than his old record set at 283k in a World of Warcraft stream back in August 2019 during the launch of WoW Classic.

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