
Bestmengqin: How to change the mouse settings in Lost Ark

How to change the mouse settings in Lost Ark

22 Febr 2022 in 08:57am
In reality, Lost Ark has a quite extensive system that permits players to Lost Ark Items set up their buttons and alter the way they play on different kinds of games. Yet, mouse controls are more difficult than many other hotkeys in order to be optimized.

To alter your mouse settings to alter your mouse settings in Lost Ark, the first important thing to do is open up your In-game options by holding the Escape key. Then, you'll be able to see an array of dropdown menus to access. Select the menu entitled "Hotkeys" to open the buttons and controls.

After you've entered the "Hotkeys" menu navigate down to find the section known as "Basic Controls." If you take a look over, you'll find two boxes of red that have an icon for the mouse inside. Also, you'll find an icon that locks these boxes. This means that they aren't able to be changed.

Although your mouse controls are locked, don't worryabout it, you'll have the option to explore your settings further and see an option to "Attack with Right-click" a few boxes down. Toggle this box on or off, based on which mouse button you prefer you to attack with.

If the "Attack using Right-click" option is switched on buy Lost Ark Gold then you'll navigate, interact, and grab items using your left mouse button. If it's off that means you'll be using left-click when attacking and right-click to perform everything else.

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