
Skyzhay: Make sure that it is greater than your defense

Make sure that it is greater than your defense

9 Febr 2022 in 03:28am

Second time that OSRS GP I have to write this blog post, because my damn netbook mouse made me accidentally delete my blog post. To summarize what I've written: Stronghold of Security/Stronghold of Player Security. In Barbarian village and a little south of Edgeville and Edgeville, they both give 10K and an EXP light or two.

Following, the primary PK'ing process and money-making. To begin, the account you're looking at creating right now is known as a "MAIN" (although typically not in caps :o ) and this means you'll have to master all of the required skills, and try to make the most of. PvPing as a main is very easy and doesn't require specific skill requirements If you've made a PVM ACCOUNT. (PvM by the way is Player versus Monster and, therefore, an account designed for killing monsters) What I mean, is that PvP for mains is quite easy to do.

Make sure that it is greater than your defense/attack by around 5-10 levels, have Terror and vengeance. It's true that these are a lot of member's terms and, in reality, I'd suggest ignoring my advice here until you've reached around 120 CB, and then you'll know what 'Vengeance' as well as 'Turmoil are. (You PvP lurkers - feel free to flame me, because I'm sure I'll be there. In preparation, I brought a bucket full of water.)

Next, monkey making - truthfully buy runescape 3 gold many of the ways the majority of Sal's followers earned their money is not current or requires high stats. A few things I'm pretty certain are relatively sound - first the pottery you make should make around 50K an hour, which is great for your level (fun advice - I didn't had more than 100K until I reached at level 63. Also, before you decide you're not a good potter, consider my break-up some years back).

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