
MeadeDorian: Mission at the biggest port in runescape - Port Sarim

Mission at the biggest port in runescape - Port Sarim

9 Febr 2022 in 03:26am
If you have any questions about slaying, feel free to ask me to join in-game (Dimosthimise) or PM here on Sal's. Seers Village Diary enchanced Excal is an L0L, IMO for the simple reason that OSRS Gold, based on your slayer master, it's not even necessary to heal. And, one thing I would like to mention about DDS is that is beats CLAWS because it can be used with 4 different monsters.

It's pretty accurate, and it does not consume a large portion of the bar (claws are good for bosses/PvP because they can be used to deal a great deal of damage within a short time. Slayer, though, although you want damage however, you don't need spend all of your time on just 8 hits - four of them likely being under 100). Furthermore, Korasi can be a excellent special weapon (besides the DDS) and is extremely effective on metal drags.

For the money, you shouldn't be depending on herb drops because it's true that they're not of much value anymore after the bots from Sorceress's Garden took over. In the next step, if you've got the slayer in your inventory, you can visit Abberbant spectres, where you can find numerous herbs along with higher level herb seeds andcould earn you around 500k/hour, in addition to not being excessively populated by bots.

My money making is purely outdated, unfortunately, except for 2, which I don't believe you'd enjoy. The two are throwing dice (and I mean dice dueling (NOT HOSTING, however) but it's determined by a 50/50 odds and there is a chance to be cleaned, or earn money. (I received two clean-ups, however, because I had no money that didn't matter. I made it to 10M, got cleaned in the next 300K increment Buy Old School RS Gold, got to 18M, and I'm stopping here after winning eight multiple times, which is a 1 in 5 chance.

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