
MMOgrfy: They're the developers of FIFA 22

They're the developers of FIFA 22

28 Jan 2022 in 06:34am

To FUT 22 Coins avoid club colours Each team is wearing the Xsens motion-capture suits. The touchline is where the crews are sitting on laptops. Devices for short-range signalling, that track players' movements down up to the millimetre. in the stands alongside production staff studying tablets displaying live metrics. In a distance of thousands of miles, an animation director is looking at the game on Zoom. But this isn't the job of a space age scouting team, nor the latest innovations in coaching.

They're the developers of FIFA 22. For the first time, EA motion-captured a live 90 minute football matchand tracked players' movements down to the smallest detail that can later be added to the animation database.

The gaming firm looked for the major details right down to the finer details: starting with how a fullback is able to strike the ball with the laces of their shoes or how a player is prone to look over their shoulder before receiving a pass. "Ultimately, realism equals an enhanced game" is the opinion of Gareth Eaves, senior animation director at EA who was the leader of the discussion remotely. "We wanted to do it for years but the technology hadn't been developed."

Typically, EA uses optical capture actors and occasionally a superstar footballer, like Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi, to write new animations. However, this requires a limited space with one or two players in a row - which makes it difficult to attack the ball quickly or pass it between one wing and the other. Restricted passages of motion-captured play like keepie-uppies or one on-one dribbles, have to be made adaptable by FIFA animators into fluid motions which mimic eleven-a-side match.

The cameras have been removed. The motion capture stage has been discarded. Only the Xsens suits remained. "One of the main issues been drift . We'd have a sense of where players' joints were relative to one another but not to cheap FIFA 22 Coins an actual point in an area," Eaves explains.

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