
bertramuzi: NBA 2K22's Seasons will make sure that this won't happen

NBA 2K22's Seasons will make sure that this won't happen

25 Jan 2022 in 04:05am
One aspect that received a fresh coat of pain this year can be the shot count, and with a new scale to base your shots against 2K MT, it can be a bit tricky to master the basics right away. This new meter has caused an ample amount of problems since the game was released in the first place, and we'll explain how to learn to master NBA 2K22 shooting for your MyPlayer.

Although 2K Games have changed the shooting meter within NBA 2K22 but they haven't altered the ways in which players can shoot within the game. There are currently two methods for shooting the ball. You can do it via with the Professional Stick (right joystick) or via a singular button.

If you're playing on PlayStation you'll be using the Square button to shoot, whereas Xbox gamers will be using the X button. both consoles will be required to be using the Right Joystick, or better called"the Pro Stick.

The major difference between the two shooting mechanisms is the degree of accuracy each is. It's true that the Pro Stick is going to offer more room for error as compared to Button shooting. It's going to allow players to be more precise when it comes to getting those perfect perfects.

If you're a new player we suggest you test Button shooting for the first little while and you'll have more chances of success compared to Pro Stick shooting Buy NBA 2K22 MT Coins, but veteran players of 2K series 2K series should stick to Pro Stick shooting. Pro Stick method instead.

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