
Skyzhay: I have 100k exp from 99 woodcutting

I have 100k exp from 99 woodcutting

18 Jan 2022 in 06:05am

I have 100k exp from 99 OSRS GP woodcutting, and wanted to purchase an Saradomin sword. However, I thought I could create a thread on this forum and find out what everyone's opinions are regarding whether I should buy the ss or a BGS, which means they're both within the same price range currently. I own a whip and dragon defender however I am unable to train for strength using them, and I would rather use 2h weapons. Also, I do pretty much the same way with an ss, as I do with the whip, but I don't have it.

This means that I am about getting to the point where I'm tired of doing, so I'm likely to play some pvp-related mini-games. For example, clan wars. Perhaps I'll do a work and earn money, and also some training every time. I've never "grinded" and have done whatever I wanted to do. Therefore, I am going crazy by cutting wood for months on end. There is nothing better to do after grinding than to kill one another.

I am aware that the ss is a good option for training, however, the bgs is more for bosses and Pking. So I'm guessing that this could be a switch to the ss, but as I mentioned, I haven't been posting for a while, and I needed some motivation to do so I think with my level not exceeding 80, this will be the ss, but it's not a bad idea to initiate a conversation. When I have the final 100k of woodcutting experience, I will be able to earn some money by battling blue dragons using the whip for a short time. Thank you, and if have any other suggestions for a weapon, let me know.

It's my opinion that OSRS gold for sale you should always practice with slayer It shouldn't take very long to reach 70 all in all, maybe just a couple of days, depending on the amount of time you spend playing every day.

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