
Nfkjasfas: NBA 2K22 is out and those who love basketball even just a bit should not miss this game

NBA 2K22 is out and those who love basketball even just a bit should not miss this game

17 Jan 2022 in 04:07am
Power forwards and centers may be tempted to write this badge into their plans 2k22 mt. It is a Ball Stripper badge allows the holder to increase the chances of forcing turnover when trying in stripping a layup or play a dunk in front of the basket. This can be a useful tool when weaker players try to take on the paint and be very helpful when making turnovers.

Point guards, but most crucially, shooting guards small and power forwards, need to have their Clamps badge. Clamps was perhaps the most coveted badge to wear in NBA 2K21 and it's returning for 2K22. Clamps boosts the holders' capacity to remain just in front of their ball handlers on the sidelines.

Those who have Clamps have access to quicker cut moves and are more successful bumping an opponent's ball. This badge is pivotal if you want any chance to stop sharp-shooting guards as well as forwards that are known for shooting mid-range shots. This badge will let you remain in front of them, and , consequently, offer you an increased chance of getting your hands up front and stopping an unintentional shot.

Many players could benefit from this badge. But big men, especially, can use the Intimidator badge. Players who are placed in the same group as ones who have the badge "Intimidator" will have lesser success rates when attempting a contested shot. Contested shots are crucial to getting rid of baskets, but any additional boost will help. Try to fit this badge on your design as much as you can.

Post Lockdown is another badge that big men will need when playing NBA 2K22. This badge enhances defenders' ability to block post moves and backdowns. Centers and power forwards will need plenty of help in defense cheap Nba 2k22 Mt, and this badge must be that you have on your list. It is useful if you play with players who likes post moves.

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