
Dragonborn: It's a very cost-effective option

It's a very cost-effective option

31 Dez 2021 in 01:28am

It's a very cost-effective option if you would like to save as much money as OSRS Gold you can while raising your prayer, but it's not always the best choice as it is time-consuming. As it gives only little more in comparison to Gilded Altar and takes that much longer to finish, it should only be done using the most expensive bones. Here is what you need to do to worship Ectofuntus.

It will require a lot of buckets Ectophial, Ghost Speak amulets, 14 pots, bones. Get as many buckets of Port Phasmatys account as you're able. Visit the Ectofuntus bottom level (you can teleport by using Ectophile) via trapdoor and all the way to the slime pool which is located on the bottom floor.

Fill your buckets with slime. Return to the bank chest and do this trip in as many times as you require (you must have 1 bucket of slime per bone you'd like for sacrifice). You can take 14 bones of your choice and 14 pots and then teleport back Ectofuntus via Ectophile

Take the 1st floor of the tower. Here you will find a Bonegrinder. Use your bones on bonegrinder to collect bones and bonemeal in pots. Make sure to grind all your bones before returning to your bank. Once you've finished grinding the bone and is collecting the entire amount of the slime buckets , start earning experience. Take 14 buckets of slime and 14 Bonemeal Pots and teleport to Ectofuntus. Then, worship Ectofuntus to receive prayer xp. For every time you pray you'll receive 5 Ectotokens handed out by the NPC. NPC.

Another helpful piece of equipment can be purchased by the mining guild. When you're digging for new ores occasionally you'll find Unidentified Minerals. They can later be traded for any of the three phases of Mining Gloves: Regular, Superior and Expert ones. The last stage is called Mining Gloves works up to the Runite ore level. Although those Gloves don't give any bonus level, they will help you level up significant amounts. Wearing them, players stand the chance of not consuming the rock he is mining as he collects resources. Also, if you acquire your ore from the vein that you are mining there is still a chance you can continue mining it. Basic gloves function up to an Gold tier and Cheap RS Gold better ones go to Runite tier. Expert gloves will let you make more efficient use of Amethyst well.

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