
weiyismart: To draw sponsors, increase your interest

To draw sponsors, increase your interest

18 Dez 2021 in 03:29am

When you start the game, the player's ability value will be greatly reduced to around an average of 60 points. You can go to college, join the 2k22 mt G-League or directly become a member of the NBA?

Following the official start of the "My Career" mode, players will be presented with the choice of "enter the university to participate in the league", "participate in the G-League" or "participate in the NBA draft." Participation in the NBA means that the character cannot be accepted into another institution to play in the G-League. If the participant decides to keep playing in the NBA the player isn't able to return to the college league.

It is possible to select any university and participate in all three of them. If a player wants to gain experience or test their character it is best to play in the college league in the beginning. Then, move into the G-League and finally , the NBA. In addition, if you are successful in winning the college championship it will also mean that the player be awarded an additional badge, but also a new.

It will also guarantee that the character is able to qualify for the first round of the NBA draft, which also means that the character will become part of a bigger team and earn more per game (VC Coin) also, as well as more chance of reaching the playoffs, and ultimately winning the title. As long as they succeed at dominating the university or G-League and G-League, the character will develop additional capabilities.

To draw sponsors, increase your interest in "My Brand". The character will carry "My Brand" plus additional attributes. ?such as "fashion" as well as "music". When the activity or game is complete.

This The value will gain the user experience and increase the level. These ability points, which are called "personal interest" and can be utilized to draw sponsors. Once the value is at one level at which point the buy mt nba 2k22 character can join with the sponsor, obtain additional appearance fees, and also increase the amount of VC Coin that can be earned.

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